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Anyone, any age, any race that feels to join. Our God says come as you are .

1. All who have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Roman 3:23

2. All human Fragilities and problems are common to men. 1 Corinthians 10:3

3. God have no partiality when it comes to clothes. Acts 10:34, 35

4. All who labor and heavy laden. Matthew 11:28

5. Jesus was sent for the poor, broken hearted, captives and blinds. Luke 4:18

6. Last but not least suffer the little children to come unto me. Mark 10:14.


There are several scriptures that shows Jesus had no prejudices. We can conclude Christ died for all 1 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:15 Even though the saying, “Comeas you are" is man's summarization of Jesus calling for all nations in all generations. We don't have to worry about cleaning up ourselves before we get introduce to him. Just willing to give up our ways of life and follow him.


How is joining done in our church?

We announce your presence to the congregation in the worship service, and have the congregation acknowledge you. We will have you fill out a new comer form for a follow up with your contact information and we’ll present you with the church gifts.

I ‘am standing up in front of the congregation?

You don’t have to say anything when we present you for membership but it’s important that the congregation sees you to identify who you are and can appropriately welcome you.


First, it’s a means that serves to distinguish you as member from just a regular attendee, it’s very meaningful for the congregation to officially accept you into the family. Secondly, you will come under the pastoral care of the church, receive notifications and communications, and the church will do everything possible to support you in your time of emotional, spiritual, or financial need. And third, joining is simply that important “rite of passage” that signifies your entrance into our church, and let’s our congregation welcome you in an appropriate way.


At any point in time will I be pressured into joining the church?

The answer simply is “No”. It might come up in a discussions with one of our pastors, but there won’t be such a thing as pressuring anyone of any age, any race that feels to join.

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